Cryptocurrency Quotation of JumpToken in Hong Kong dollar - Value, Price and Chart of JMPT-HKD in Real Time

Price JumpToken JumpToken

15.38 HK$ ▲0.0008970%

Name Price Variation (24h) Volume (24h) Market Cap
Symbol price JumpToken JumpToken15.38 HK$0.0008970%182 385.96 HK$473 521 122.99 HK$

Real-Time Value of JumpToken in Hong Kong dollar

The current price of JumpToken today in Hong Kong dollar is 15.38 HK$. The market capitalization of JumpToken in Hong Kong dollar amounts to 473 521 122.99 HK$.

In the last 24 hours, the value of the cryptocurrency JumpToken has increased by 15.38 Hong Kong dollar (a 0.0008970 % of its price), with a volume of 182 385.96 HK$.

Calculadora de JMPT a Hong Kong dollar

Calculator from JMPT to Hong Kong dollar

Visit the calculator from JMPT to Hong Kong dollar.

Want to buy JumpToken with Hong Kong dollar?

Don't miss the guide to learn how to acquire JMPT with Hong Kong dollar, where we teach you how to buy it in all available ways in 2025.

» More information at how to invest in JumpToken.

Chart of JumpToken in Hong Kong dollar

Discover the evolution of JumpToken in Hong Kong dollar with the following historical chart.

Value of JumpToken in US dollars (JMPT to USD) 1.96 USD
Value of JumpToken in euros (JMPT to EUR) 1.84 EUR
Value of JumpToken in Mexican pesos (JMPT to MXN) 34.16 MXN
Value of JumpToken in bolívares (JMPT to VEF) 3 500 891.77 VEF
Value of JumpToken in Colombian pesos (JMPT to COP) 7 835.80 COP
Value of JumpToken in Chilean pesos. (JMPT to CLP) 1 780.29 CLP
Value of JumpToken in Argentine pesos (JMPT to ARS) 2 404.22 ARS
Value of JumpToken in sterling pounds (JMPT to GBP) 1.61 GBP
Value of JumpToken in yen (JMPT to JPY) 291.38 JPY
Value of JumpToken in bolivianos (JMPT to BOB) 1.96 BOB
Value of JumpToken in real (JMPT to BRL) 9.75 BRL
Value of JumpToken in Australian dollars (JMPT to AUD) 3.15 AUD
Value of JumpToken in Canadian dollars (JMPT to CAD) 2.63 CAD
Value of JumpToken in colones (JMPT to CRC) 986.12 CRC
Value of JumpToken in quetzales (JMPT to GTQ) 14.08 GTQ
Value of JumpToken in won (JMPT to KRW) 2 653.39 KRW
Value of JumpToken in balboas (JMPT to PAB) 1.76 PAB
Value of JumpToken in Peruvian soles (JMPT to PEN) 7.30 PEN
Value of JumpToken in Filipino pesos (JMPT to PHP) 108.81 PHP
Value of JumpToken in guaranis (JMPT to PYG) 11 797.35 PYG
Value of JumpToken in Uruguayan pesos (JMPT to UYU) 68.90 UYU
Value of JumpToken in rubles (JMPT to RUB) 191.63 RUB
Value of JumpToken in yuan renminbi (JMPT to CNY) 12.88 CNY
Value of JumpToken in Singapore dollars (JMPT to SGD) 2.68 SGD
Value of JumpToken in hryvnia (JMPT to UAH) 78.08 UAH
Value of JumpToken in francs (JMPT to CHF) 1.79 CHF
Value of JumpToken in zloty (JMPT to PNL) 124.54 PNL
Value of JumpToken in rupees (JMPT to INR) 162.83 INR
Value of JumpToken in Hong Kong dollar (JMPT to HKD) 15.38 HKD
Value of JumpToken in rand (JMPT to ZAR) 38.11 ZAR
Value of JumpToken in Norwegian crowns (JMPT to NOK) 19.69 NOK
Value of JumpToken in Swedish crowns (JMPT to SEK) 15.07 SEK
Value of JumpToken in bitcoin (JMPT to BTC) 0.0000746 BTC
Value of JumpToken in ethereum (JMPT to ETH) 0.0012 ETH

Data obtained from