Calculator Travala sterling pounds - Convert AVA to GBP

The current price of 1 Travala in sterling pounds is 0.9301 £. Conversely, 1 GBP is equivalent to 1.08 AVA.

Convert from AVA to sterling pounds

Travala Sterling pounds
1 AVA 0.9301 £
5 AVA 4.65 £
10 AVA 9.30 £
50 AVA 46.50 £
100 AVA 93.01 £
250 AVA 232.52 £
500 AVA 465.04 £
1000 AVA 930.07 £

Convert from sterling pounds to AVA

Sterling pounds Travala
1 £ 1.08 AVA
5 £ 5.38 AVA
10 £ 10.75 AVA
50 £ 53.76 AVA
100 £ 107.52 AVA
250 £ 268.80 AVA
500 £ 537.59 AVA
1000 £ 1 075.18 AVA

Convert AVA to Other FIAT Currencies