Calculator SpecCoin real - Convert SPEC to BRL

The current price of 1 SpecCoin in real is 0.0000795 R$. Conversely, 1 BRL is equivalent to 12 585.77 SPEC.

Convert from SPEC to real

SpecCoin Real
1 SPEC 0.0000795 R$
5 SPEC 0.0003973 R$
10 SPEC 0.0007945 R$
50 SPEC 0.0040 R$
100 SPEC 0.0079 R$
250 SPEC 0.0199 R$
500 SPEC 0.0397 R$
1000 SPEC 0.0795 R$

Convert from real to SPEC

Real SpecCoin
1 R$ 12 585.77 SPEC
5 R$ 62 928.87 SPEC
10 R$ 125 857.73 SPEC
50 R$ 629 288.65 SPEC
100 R$ 1 258 577.30 SPEC
250 R$ 3 146 443.25 SPEC
500 R$ 6 292 886.51 SPEC
1000 R$ 12 585 773.02 SPEC

Convert SPEC to Other FIAT Currencies