Calculator Option Panda Platform sterling pounds - Convert OPA to GBP

The current price of 1 Option Panda Platform in sterling pounds is 0.0000987 £. Conversely, 1 GBP is equivalent to 10 132.86 OPA.

Convert from OPA to sterling pounds

Option Panda Platform Sterling pounds
1 OPA 0.0000987 £
5 OPA 0.0004934 £
10 OPA 0.0009869 £
50 OPA 0.0049 £
100 OPA 0.0099 £
250 OPA 0.0247 £
500 OPA 0.0493 £
1000 OPA 0.0987 £

Convert from sterling pounds to OPA

Sterling pounds Option Panda Platform
1 £ 10 132.86 OPA
5 £ 50 664.30 OPA
10 £ 101 328.59 OPA
50 £ 506 642.97 OPA
100 £ 1 013 285.94 OPA
250 £ 2 533 214.84 OPA
500 £ 5 066 429.68 OPA
1000 £ 10 132 859.35 OPA

Convert OPA to Other FIAT Currencies