Calculator Coinstox sterling pounds - Convert CSX to GBP

The current price of 1 Coinstox in sterling pounds is 0.0000588 £. Conversely, 1 GBP is equivalent to 16 993.23 CSX.

Convert from CSX to sterling pounds

Coinstox Sterling pounds
1 CSX 0.0000588 £
5 CSX 0.0002942 £
10 CSX 0.0005885 £
50 CSX 0.0029 £
100 CSX 0.0059 £
250 CSX 0.0147 £
500 CSX 0.0294 £
1000 CSX 0.0588 £

Convert from sterling pounds to CSX

Sterling pounds Coinstox
1 £ 16 993.23 CSX
5 £ 84 966.16 CSX
10 £ 169 932.32 CSX
50 £ 849 661.60 CSX
100 £ 1 699 323.19 CSX
250 £ 4 248 307.98 CSX
500 £ 8 496 615.95 CSX
1000 £ 16 993 231.90 CSX

Convert CSX to Other FIAT Currencies