Calculator BOSAGORA rupees - Convert BOA to INR

The current price of 1 BOSAGORA in rupees is 1.05 ₹. Conversely, 1 INR is equivalent to 0.9569 BOA.

Convert from BOA to rupees

1 BOA 1.05 ₹
5 BOA 5.23 ₹
10 BOA 10.45 ₹
50 BOA 52.25 ₹
100 BOA 104.50 ₹
250 BOA 261.25 ₹
500 BOA 522.50 ₹
1000 BOA 1 045.00 ₹

Convert from rupees to BOA

1 ₹ 0.9569 BOA
5 ₹ 4.78 BOA
10 ₹ 9.57 BOA
50 ₹ 47.85 BOA
100 ₹ 95.69 BOA
250 ₹ 239.23 BOA
500 ₹ 478.47 BOA
1000 ₹ 956.94 BOA

Convert BOA to Other FIAT Currencies