Calculator B20 won - Convert B20 to KRW

The current price of 1 B20 in won is 125.56 ₩. Conversely, 1 KRW is equivalent to 0.0080 B20.

Convert from B20 to won

B20 Won
1 B20 125.56 ₩
5 B20 627.82 ₩
10 B20 1 255.64 ₩
50 B20 6 278.19 ₩
100 B20 12 556.38 ₩
250 B20 31 390.94 ₩
500 B20 62 781.89 ₩
1000 B20 125 563.78 ₩

Convert from won to B20

Won B20
1 ₩ 0.0080 B20
5 ₩ 0.0398 B20
10 ₩ 0.0796 B20
50 ₩ 0.3982 B20
100 ₩ 0.7964 B20
250 ₩ 1.99 B20
500 ₩ 3.98 B20
1000 ₩ 7.96 B20

Convert B20 to Other FIAT Currencies