Tokens de capital: Qu'est-ce que c'est et comment fonctionnent-ils ?

Un equity token, également connu sous le nom de token d'actions et parfois mal appelé token d'équité, est un type de security token qui représente une participation à un actif ce qui lui confère des droits liés à la propriété de celui-ci.

Ils apparaissent grâce à la technologie blockchain, révolutionnant la manière de lever des capitaux et la façon d'investir.

Token Equity vs Token de sécurité

Although there are users who try to differentiate them, the reality is that an equity token is a type of security token.

Like most security tokens, equity tokens are backed by an underlying asset and their value depends on the performance of this asset. But the main difference is that with equity tokens, they grant ownership rights over it, something that does not necessarily occur with other types of security tokens.

Some of these characteristics and rights, which equity tokens imitate from traditional stocks, can include voting rights, participation in discounts, and distribution of dividends.

The cryptocurrency space is constantly evolving. Also, there are no entities or organizations that define the terms that are usually used, but rather they are determined by the community. Therefore, it is normal to find differences in the definition of some terms when searching in different sources.

In the case of equity tokens, it is common for them to include all tokens that grant ownership rights over an asset, such as a company, a fund, or real estate. However, some sources only refer to them when the asset is a company, imitating the traditional model of stocks.