Without investment advice
The information provided on this site does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, or any other form of advice, and you should not treat any content on the site as such. does not recommend buying, selling, or holding cryptocurrencies, and nothing on this site should be understood as an offer to buy, sell, or hold digital currency. Please consult your financial advisor before making investment decisions.
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Data on cryptocurrency prices are dependent on third-party services, as always indicated. The truthfulness and accuracy of this data will depend on the functioning of the services offered by these third parties.
Price Risk
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies prices are highly volatile. It is common for prices to increase or decrease by more than 100% in a single day. Although this could bring enormous profits, it could also mean huge losses. DO NOT INVEST ALL YOUR MONEY IN CRYPTOCURRENCIES. Only invest money you are willing to lose. Cryptocurrency trading may not be suitable for all users of this site. Anyone who has the goal of investing in cryptocurrencies should consult with a professionally qualified independent financial advisor.